Homeschooling in Indonesia

6:27 AM / post by giuvancharismanta / comment (0)

DEVELOPMENT of education in Indonesia currently booming trend with the presence of learning at home (Home schooled). Today home schooling is being discussed by the media glow, although efficient educational methods that are family has been around since long.
What is there in your mind about home schooling? Not that the children of Indonesia into a slacker or just relaxing at home studying. As developments in science, particularly in education, there are several methods which can be taken by EFI patient even practical.
One of them is home schooling. But if home schooling is also a good influence for kids mentally? Usually those who run the home schooling system, they have their own community, and can socialize with one another. Although using the term home schooling, not only the children must learn at home.
Parents are a particularly influential role in the field of child education. Some alternatives that can be achieved, for example, foreign language courses, Kumon, and abacus. Constraints that exist and have not received accurate answers concerning the legalization of diplomas and socialization. Is home schooling has been recognized in Indonesia? Home schooling means do not go to school in the sense of an institution (school conventional), but the material is taught in conventional schools. As soon as any parent can choose the material for the instruction of their children. So not all the materials given to the child.
Parents can also take part, which is to become a teacher for the children, but can also call the teacher from outside to teach and so forth.
Those who decide to become a home schooler usually most people who implement this system are those people who have long attended abroad. This is done because if you go to school in Indonesia usually makes them drop the class.

Is home schooling effective for children in Indonesia?

2:50 AM / post by giuvancharismanta / comment (0)

Question :

Is home schooling effective for children in Indonesia?
Instead of home schooling could curb freedom of the child? Because they are so can not tell and discuss freely with their peers?

Answer :

Actually, our nation has long been familiar with the concept of homeschooling, even long before the coming of Western education system. Just Look at Islamic boarding schools for example, the kiai, Buya, and master teachers specifically to educate their own children.

Similarly, the warriors, nobles, or the artist long ago. They also teach privately at home or their respective padepokan than entrust to someone else.

No less great leaders such KH Agus Salim, Ki Hajar Dewantara, or Buya HAMKA also developed a way of learning with school systems in this house, not just to pass the exam then obtained a diploma, but to love and develop the science itself.

Currently home schooling system can also be developed to support equality of education programs.
Particularly against children in trouble, such as street children, child laborers, tribal children, until the child has an advantage as an athlete or a solid young artists with their activities.


strength of home schooling is to give more autonomy and creativity for children, opportunities to achieve maximum individual competence, protected from social ills such as drugs, consumerism, socially deviant and brawl, and enables the child is ready to face real life with a wider social circle.

Weakness (not losses)
There are several challenges for the organization of schooling at home, namely:
(1) the difficulty in getting support or a place to ask;
(2) the lack of places to socialize and parents have to be skilled at facilitating the learning process, as well as
(3) evaluation.

In principle, no problem. Because, as stated in Law Number 20 Year 2003 on National Education System (Education System), in Article 27 Paragraph (1) says: "informal education activities conducted by the family and the environment form an independent learning activities." Then in Subsection (2) says that: "The result of education as referred to in paragraph (1) recognized the same formal and non formal education after students pass the exam in accordance with national education standards."

Hence, home schooling can be registered with the local education office as non-formal education community. Eligible participants can then follow the national exam equality Package A (equivalent SD), Package B (equivalent to junior high school), and Package C (equivalent to high school)

What is home schooling ?

2:44 AM / post by giuvancharismanta / comment (0)

What is home schooling ?

Home Schooling is education held by the family against family members still in school age. Education was organized by the parents / families based on several considerations, such as: protecting children from contaminated streams or philosophy of life that conflict with family traditions (eg education provided fundalisme families who embrace a particular religion or belief); keep the children to survive / safe from the negative influence of the environment, save the children physically and mentally from the peer group; save the cost of education, and various other reasons.